Monday, January 14, 2008


I've been sleeping like shit lately. It is really getting to be a problem. As I am increasing my training load, the need for good sleep to enhance recovery and hGh production in my body is essential to maintain health and achieve my goals.

I don't have a problem with getting to sleep, on the contrary. My problem is I wake up at night; usually around 2:30-3:30 in the morning, and then my mind starts working overtime. originally, i thought it was caused by alcohol consumption, but I haven't had anything to drink the last few days as I have been sick with an upper respiratory virus. I need my sleep!!!! woke up this morning at 2:30 and didn't get back to sleep until 7:00. This has to change as I go back to work next week and I'll never be able to get my workouts in before work.


kerrie said...

oh no, back to work, does this mean no more noon swims?

stageracer said...


I hope to make some lunch box swims....I sure like our little lane down on the end with all the warm water. you don't think Cisco pee's in the pool, do ya??

Bradley D. said...

Warm water & that's the attraction to the end lane! I hope by now you have been able to get in a hearty dose of zzz's.

Lucho said...

Thanks for the good words on my blog.. I appreciate that.
I went through a solid year of waking early with a restless mind and I found part of my problem to be naps. Its a circle.. I would nap, then wake up early, then be tired, so I would nap. It helped me a ton to not nap and force myself to stay awake until 10:30-11:00 pm and I would get more sleep.

BreeWee said...

Thanks for the compliment... ha ha, I had to laugh at your post about your "beginning of triathlon"... so funny starting to run past your x's house! I can relate to the surfer life with "aspirations too"!
Anyways, hope you get some shut eye! I know I need some too- off to my sisters yoga class! That usually puts me to dream land!
Have a nice week!