Saturday, January 12, 2008


It's been a while since I posted. To be honest, I haven't felt anything worthwhile to write about. But, in the essence of the beginning of a new year, I think I'll post some goals and things that are happening in my life.

For starters, I have made the commitment to race this year and I have the motivation I haven't seen in years. I have, for the first time in my triathlon career, hired a coach to help me plan my training schedule. My focus for the first 6 months of the year will be Oceanside in March, Napa Valley 1/2 IM in May and IM Coeur d'Alene in June. After that, we will figure out the next schedule.

I am into my 3rd week of this new plan and so far, things are going pretty well. I have a cold right now that seems to be plaguing the Boulder athletic community, but I am not too worried as it doesn't seem to be lingering around too long. My swimming is going exceptionally well, considering my 18 month hiatus from the pool. Also, I have had some recent back issues that are slowly getting better with the help of Sara Berg at Chiropractic Release. She is a combo Chiropractor and certified ART therapist. I highly recommend her.

On the work front, I have been interviewing for some new jobs; each very different in both pay and structure. I received offers from 2 of the 3 within a one week period and hope to have the last one by mid-week. It's nice to have options and I am really having to look at which one is best suited for my personal and professional well-being. One has great financial reward in orthopedics, but requires more travel than what I want to do right now. Another is a dream job that would allow me to use my experiences from my college degree through my entire professional career and have me working with a great small start-up company with some awesome people, but be the most limiting with regard to salary. The third is about middle of the road, but outside of orthopedics and my sports lifestyle. Needless to say, I have a lot of thinking to do this weekend.

All in all, things are looking very good on all fronts right now. I've made some fabulous friends here in Boulder the last few months, I've grown closer with some of my friends back in San Diego despite the distance and I am having an absolute ball with my daughter Alex. 2008 is rolling along very nicely!!!

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